2018年11月29日 星期四

-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 can/ cannot

meaning: depend on the sentence. (1) ability (2) possibility
~(으) ㄹ 주알다 able to do
저는 데니스를 칠 수 있어요. I can play tennis. I'm able to play tennis.
저는 김치를 먹을 수 있어요. I can't eat Korean pickle.
저는 한국 노래를 부를 수 있어요. I can listen to Korean songs.

운전해 주세요. Please drive for me.
운전해 줄 수 있어요? Can you drive for me?

우리 내일 만날 수 있어요? Can we meet tomorrow?
네일 만날 수 없어요. I can't meet. =못 만나요.

2018年11月8日 星期四


1. 國際貿易的特色
2. 我國外貿現況

(一) 國際貿易的特色:不論國際國內貿易,都是商品買賣。
1. 國際貿易比較困難及複雜。
(1) 各國語言文字不同
(2) 各國風俗習慣不同
(3) 各國法律規章不同
(4) 各國貨幣不同
(5) 市場調查較困難
(6) 信用調查較困難
(7) 貿易障礙多
(8) 貨物運輸及保險手續較複雜
(9) 涉及國際貿易規則及慣例

2. 國際貿易的風險比較大 (有些在國內貿易中也有,有些風險比國內來得更大)
(1) 信用風險 Credit Risk:交易對手不履約,或履約不完全。
(2) 外匯風險 Foreign Exchange Risk:因匯率變動、外匯移轉而產生法令變動。
      > 匯率變動風險 Exchange Rate Risk
      >外匯移轉風險 Exchange Transfer Risk
(3) 價格風險 Price Risk:因市場因素產生價格變動,產生成本、收益變化,使業者損失。
(4) 運輸風險 Transportation Risk:因意外產生損失。
(5) 政治風險 Political Risk:本國或交易對手國因法令變化產生損失。
(6) 產品責任風險 Product Liability Risk:使用人、消費者因產品瑕疵而導致身體、財產損失而向業者追究賠償,導致業者損失。

1. 貿易商該如何避免可能面臨的風險。
信用風險交易對手不履約或履約不完全的風險1. 信用調查(最根本)
2. 選用避險工具
1. 調整交易方式:延長/縮短付款時間;調整進出口比重
2. 外匯避險交易:遠期/期貨/選擇權外匯交易
價格風險商品市價變動的風險1. 審慎訂價
2. 商品避險交易
產品責任風險產品瑕疵導致第三人身體傷害或財物損失,應負賠償責任的風險1. 品管驗貨確實
2. 投保產品責任保險

(二) 我國對外貿易現況


1. 台灣對外貿易排名世界第幾名?
1. 德國
2. 中國大陸
3. 美國
4. 日本
5. 荷蘭
6. 法國
7. 義大利
8. 比利時
9. 俄羅斯
10. 英國
11. 加拿大
12. 韓國
13. 香港
14. 新加坡
15. 沙烏地阿拉伯
16. 墨西哥
17. 西班牙

1. 進出口貿易的結構:2008我國主要出口貨物

1. 我國墊子產業相關產品,有哪些項目的表現比較特殊?

2. 進出口貿易結構


3. 兩岸貿易



1. 我國2008經貿發展所面臨的挑戰有哪些?
(1) 貿易地區與商品結構過於集中
(2) 創造與發展自我品牌的困局
(3) 全球區域整合的趨勢
(4) 中國大陸經濟的崛起


2. 中國大陸近年來經濟與對外貿易表現突出,可否以數據加以說明。

> 中國大陸已取代美國為我國最大出口國。

1. 貿易風險
2. 進出口貿易金額
3. 進出口商品結構
4. 貿易地區分佈

sentence ending 인데요/~(으)ㄴ데요 Provides background information

Clause 1V+(으)ㄴ데/는데Clause 2

Clause 1V+(으)ㄴ데/는데+요
Extended usage of the clausal connective
> Provides background information: The listener figures out what to do.

A: 마크 씨 집에 있어요? Is Mike at home?
B: a. 지금 없어요. He is not at home. (direct/assertive)
     b. 지금 없는데요. He is not at home. (indirect/polite)
(Is there anything I can do for you? Or would you like to leave a message?)

>Also used to avoid a direct rejection, denial, disagreement, etc.

A: 저기요, 오늘 시간 있으세요? Excuse me, do you have time today?
B: 오늘은 좀 바쁜데요. I'm afraid not. 
(I am a little busy today. But we can meet on another day or would you like me to elaborate?)

Respond to the following sentences using the ~(으)ㄴ데요/는데요 form to express disagreement, denial, or rejection.

1. 시간 좀 있으세요. Do you have time?  >없는데요. I'm afraid not.

2, 내일 파티에 같이 가요. Let's go to the party tomorrow together. 
>싫은데요. No, I don't like to.

3. 박 교수님 지금 계세요? Is professor Park in the office now? 
>안 계신데요. He's not here.

4. 오늘 시헙이 어땠어요? How was the test today? 
> 오늘 시험 없었는데요. I didn't have the test.

5. 이 식당 음식이 맛있지요? The food in the restaurant is good, isn't it?
> 맛없는데요. I afraid to say that it is not.

6. 같이 공원에 놀러 가요. Let's go to the park together.
> 어는 공원인데요? Which park you want to go?

1. Between sentence. providing background information~(으)ㄴ데 adjective /는데 verb. 

한국말를 배워요. 그런데 한국어가 어려워요.
한국말를 배워요. 그런데 한국어가 재미있어요.
I'm learning Korean, in such situation, Korean is difficult.
> 하지만, 그러지만 but, however
> 그런데 in such situation, under such situation (background information)

in case of verb. 는데
배우다 > 배우는데
가다 > 가는데
먹다 > 먹는데
오다 > 오는데

in case of adjective. ~(으)ㄴ데
오늘은 추워요. 그런데 좋아요. The weather is cold but it's good.
춥다 > 추운데
좋다 > 좋은데
크다 > 큰데
덥다 > 더운데
예쁘다 > 예쁜데
저는  학생이에요. 그런데 학교에 안 가요.

옷이 예쁜데 비싸요. The clothes are pretty but expensive.
늦었는데 댁시를 타세요. It's late; take a taxi.
한국어가 재미있는데 숙제가 많아요. Korean is fun but having lots of home work.

2. The ending of sentence. politely give negative answer by giving background information.
adj. ~(으)ㄴ데요.
verb. ~는데요.

우리 영화바요! Let's watch movie!
싫어요! I don't like it! > too directly.
저 오늘 바쁜데요. I'm busy. > politely reject. 

생인데요. I'm student. (When you want to reject lending money.) 
메리 없는데요. Mary is not here. (When you want to answer someone is not here, but I can pass information for her if the asking person want.)

2018年11月7日 星期三

V/A/N+지요? Isn't it?

요즘 날씨가 더워요. It's hot these days. 
날씨天氣 덥다 熱
친구에게 말해요. You can tell your friend like this. 
말하다 告訴
오늘 날씨가 덥지요? It's hot today, isn't it?

today's topics: verb/adjective/nuon +이다+지요.
It is to describe the fact that you know or to confirm what you know.
오늘 날씨가 덥지요? It's hot today, isn't it?
이 꽃이 참 예쁘지요? This flower is so beautiful isn't it?
우리 내일 만나지요? We'll meet tomorrow right?

만나다+지요: 만나지요? (past tense: 우리 어제 만났지요?)

6월16일이 수요일이지요? 
루이 씨는 제주도 여행을 좋아하지요? I know that Louie like to travel to Jeju island.
여기가 선생님 집이지요? 

친구가 바빠요. Your friend is busy these days.
요즘 많이 바쁘지요? I guess you must have been quite busy lately.
네, 요즘 많이 바빠요.

2018年11月6日 星期二

-에게, -한테 助詞 "給"、"向"

-에게 副詞格助詞:表示行動所涉及的間接對象,相當於"給"、"向"。
> 께 敬語型態
친구에게 給朋友
친구에게 편지를 보냈어요. 給朋友寄信了。
보내다 寄
할머니께 편지를 보냈어요. 給奶奶寄信了。

1. 에 用在時間、地點、無生命的助詞

(1) 地點:
나는 학교에 가다. 我去學校
엄마는 시장에 가다. 媽媽去市場。
아빠는 회사에 가다. 爸爸去公司。

(2) 時間:
멏 시에 갈 거야? 幾點要去?
여덟시에 갈 거야. 八點要去。
내일 아침 몇 시에 출발 할 거야? 明天早上幾點要出發?
내일 아침 열 시에 출발 할 거야. 明天早上10點要出發。

(3) 無生命:
내 열쇠어디 있어? 我的鑰匙在哪裡?
컴퓨터책상에 있어. 在電腦桌上。

2. 에게, 한테 對...給...(用在人或動物上)
나는 나 자신에게/한테 실망했다. 我對我自己失望。
나는 어머니에게/한테 선물을 드렸다. 我有給媽媽禮物。
남은 음식 누구한테/에게 쥤어? 剩下食物給誰了?
강아지한테/에게 쥤어. 給小狗了。
강아지 小狗 개 狗

3.께 (에게的敬語)   對...給...
나는 어머니께 선물을 드렸다. 我有給媽媽禮物。
나는 선생님께 사과를 드렸다. 我有給老師道歉。
나는 아버지께 말씀 드렸다. 我有跟爸爸說。

2018年11月2日 星期五

國際貿易實務Introduction of the practice of international trading 第一講Episode 1/ 康惠芬老師

今日主題 Topic of episode 1
認識國際貿易實務Introduction of the practice of international trading(一)

課程大綱 Outline
1. 概述 Introduction
2. 貿易的分類 Categories of trading

1. 概述 Introduction

1.1.  國際貿易 International trade 
Meaning: The trade is the exchange of merchandise and labor service between countries.
   A. 國外貿易 Foreign Trade
   B. 對外貿易 External Trade

1.2. 國際貿易實務 Practice of International Trade 
Meaning: The study of the related knowledge of merchandising trade and technique between countries. (The actual trading process)

1.3. 國際貿易實務範圍 The field of the practice of international trading:
  A. 商品買賣契約的磋商及簽訂 The negotiation of contract-making of merchandising trade
  B. 商品運輸契約的簽訂 The contract-making of the merchandising shipment
  C. 保險契約的簽訂 The contract-making of insurance
  D. 外匯買賣契約的簽訂 The contract-making of foreign exchange 
  E. 貨物的包裝、檢驗、裝卸及通關 The packaging, inspection, loading, unloading and customs clearance of merchandise
  F. 單據的製作 Making of vouchers
  G. 交易文件的擬定 Drawing up of trading documents
  H. 貿易糾紛的處理 Dealing with trading issue

Excluding buyer and seller, the other business like financier(about payment), carrier(about shipment of merchandise), insurer(about insurance for merchandise in shipment), customs declaration, inspection... and so on, that all plays important role in a deal.

2.  貿易的分類 The categories of trade

2.1. 依範圍不同分類 Categorized by the difference of field
 A. 狹義的國際貿易Narrow definition:有形商品的貿易 trade of visible merchandise
 B. 廣義的國際貿易Wide definition:有形商品的貿易trade of visible merchandise、無形商品貿易(勞務貿易)trade of invisible merchandise(trade of labor service)

勞務貿易Trade of labor service:運輸、保險、旅遊、智慧財產權交易。(不會顯示在海關的通關統計上。漸次越被重視,不下於有形商品的貿易。)The trade of shipment, insurance, traveling, intellectual property rights. (Some trades not showed on statics of customs are more and more valued recently, which are comparable with the trade of visible merchandise.) 

2.2. 依貨物移動方向不同分類 Categorized by the direction of the movement of merchandise 
 A. 出口貿易 Export Trade
 B. 進口貿易 Import Trade
 C. 過境貿易 Transit Trade
依買賣方角度而有所不同,如買方購入產品,則為進口貿易。 Differ by the perspective of buyer or seller. Like the buyer import products thus categorized as import trade.

< 圖例Key > 
外國自本國購入商品。Foreign country purchase merchandise from one's own country. 
本國One's own country:出口貿易Export trade
外國Foreign:進口貿易 Import trade
第三國The third country:若商品運輸途中過境至第三國,則為過境貿易。If merchandise has to transit to the third country thus categorized as transit trade. 

<實例 Actual example>
即使目前台灣(本國)到中國(外國)的船運漸次發達,但仍有不少商品須過境至香港(第三國)再運送至中國。Even more and more shipping between Taiwan and China, there's still a lot of merchandises need to transit to Hong Kong(The third country) then ship to China.
台灣Taiwan:出口貿易Export trade
中國China:進口貿易Import trade
香港Hong Kong:過境貿易Transit trade

2.3. 依交易方式不同分類 Categorized by the difference of the method of trade

A.直接貿易 Direct Trade:由貨物生產國的業者與消費者國的業者直接完成交易,沒有任何第三國的業者介入的貿易型態。The seller directly deal his/her own country's product with buyer from other country, there's no third country involved with.

B. 間接貿易 Indirect Trade:貨物生產國的業者與消費者國的業者並不直接交易,而是透過第三國的中間人將貨物由生產國銷往消費國的貿易型態。The seller not directly deal his/her own country's products with buyer from other country but with a broker from third country first. The broker sell the product to buyer from other country. 

B.1. 常見的間接貿易型態 Common types of indirect trade:
依貨物移動方向不同而有區別。Differ from the direction of the movement of merchandise.

B.1.1. 三角貿易Triangular trade:貨物無須移動至第三國。
The merchandise no need to transit to third country.
a. 出口商與進口商各自與第三國中間商簽訂契約。
    Each exporter and importer makes contract with the broker from the third country.
b. 進口商並須交付貨款給第三國中間商。
    The importer should pay for goods to the broker from the third country.
c. 第三國中間商支付貨款給出口商。
    The broker from the third country should pay for goods to the exporter.
d. 貨物直接由出口商運輸至進口國。
    The merchandise directly ship from export country to import country.
    The broker earns the price difference of two contracts and doesn't need to take care of product.

<實例1 Actual Example 1 >
很多台商在中國大陸設廠,當國外廠商下訂單到台灣廠商,台灣廠商指示大陸生產基地直接運送國外。 Many Taiwanese businessmen set factories in China. When foreign customers place order to Taiwanese company, the Taiwan HQ indicate China manufacturing plant directly ships products to foreign customers.
台灣廠商收到進口商訂單,對大陸廠下出貨指示,貨物直接由大陸廠送到進口商。進口商支付貨款給台灣公司。Taiwanese company received order from importer, and send indication to China manufacturing plants to ship goods directly to importer. Importer pay for goods to Taiwan company.

<實例2 Actual example 2> 
 When China factory needs raw materials also could let Taiwan factory places order, and ships from abroad to China plants directly.

B.1.2. 轉口貿易 Intermediary trade:貨物須移動至第三國。
Merchandise in need of moving to third country.
a. 出口國與進口國各自與第三國中間商簽訂契約。
    Each export country and import country makes contract with broker of the third country. 
b. 貨物進口至第三國再出口至進口商。
    Merchandise import to the third country then export to the import country.
c. 進口商支付貨款給第三國中間商,第三國中間商再支付貨款給出口國。
    Importer pays for goods to broker of the third country, the broker pays for goods to exporter.

<實例1 Actual Example> 
以前台灣在與中國貿易沒有那麼密切時,需要透過第三國業者來簽訂契約,貨物也不可直航,需由香港做轉運。 In the past, Taiwan wasn't traded close to China, so it in need of the broker to sign contract. Merchandise also couldn't ship directly, but has to transit to Hong Kong. 

1. 「台灣接單,大陸出口」是常見的三角貿易方式,有沒有可能出現四角貿易或五角貿易?
     "Taiwan receives order, China exports goods" is a common triangular trade. Is it possible to have quadrangle trade or pentagon trade?

ans: 如果交易情況複雜,確實可能出現四角或五角、六角貿易。
If the trading scenario is complicated, it's possible to exist quadrangle trade or pentagon trade.

i.e. The abroad importer places order to another foreign trader, trader places order to Taiwan company. If Taiwan company set manufacturing plant in China, then the goods might ship from China directly to importer. This is the quadrangle trade.

2. 轉口貿易與三角貿易有何相同與不同之處?
The difference of intermediary trade and triangular trade.

The difference of intermediary trade and triangular trade.
轉口貿易 intermediary三角貿易 triangular
間接貿易 indirect tradeOO
兩筆契約彼此獨立 independent of two contractsOO
利潤制交易 Business on ProfitOO
佣金制貿易 business on commissionXX
貨物經中間國 Goods transit to third countryOX

3. 轉口貿易與過境貿易有何相同與不同之處?
The difference between intermediary trade and transit trade
The difference of intermidiary trade and transit trade.
轉口貿易 intermidiary過境貿易 transit trade
裝運出口時,目的地已確定 Sure the direction when loading merchandise不一定 Not sure是 Yes
貿易契約 trading contract2 transactions1 transactions
貨物經第三國時 when the goods trantsit to the thrid country可能改包裝或加工 might change package or process原封不動 untouched

2.4. 依交易型態不同分類 Categorized by the types of trade
A. 普通貿易 Regular Trade
B. 加工貿易 Processing Trade
a. 出口商出口原料、材料、半成品、零組件給進口商
    The exporter export raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components to importer.
b. 進口商為加工貿易業者,將製成品再販售給外國買主。
    The importer is improvement trader, process materials into finished goods to foreign buyer.
c. 外國買主支付貨款或佣金給進口商(加工貿易業者)
    The foreign buyer pay payment for goods or commission to importer(improvement trader).
d. 進口商支付貨款給出口商
    The importer pay the payment for goods to exporter.

1. 何謂委託加工貿易(Processing Deal for Export)? 
    What is Processing deal for export? 
a. 外國廠商提供原料、材料、半成品、零組件給本國加工業者
    The foreign company offer raw materials, materials, semi-finished goods, components to the improvement trader. 
b. 本國加工業者提供製成品給外國廠商
    The improvement trader offer finished goods to the foreign company. 
c. 外國廠商支付加工費給本國加工業者
    The foreign company pay the fee of processing to improvement trader.

2. 委託加工貿易與加工貿易有何不同? What's the difference between Processing deal for export and improvement trade. 
a. 委託加工貿易在加工過程中,貨物的所有權仍歸國外委託廠商。
    In the process of Processing deal for export, the ownership of goods still belong to foreign company.(client)
b. 非屬買賣關係,而係承攬或委託的關係。It's not a bargain. It's a contract of a project.

2.5. 其他貿易型態 The other types of trade
A. 相對貿易 Counter Trade, CT:買賣雙方中的一方,以商品(或勞務)或以一部份商品(或勞務)抵償他方所供應商品價款的交易行為。Any side of a bargain apply merchandise or part of service/merchandise to compensate for the price of the goods offered from other side. 

<起源 Origin> 
After 1960, the Soviet Union and other eastern Europe communism country prefer to use this kind of trade. The major reason is the import country doesn't have the enough currency as payment that export country expect, so they deal with merchandise itself. After the Soviet Union collapsed, people need dramatically increased with opening economics, but the country doesn't prepare enough currency, so it developed counter trade to deal with the situation.

<型態 Type>
a. 易貨方式貿易 Barter Trade
b. 補償交易 Compensation Trade
c. 相對採購 Counter Purchase
d. 產品購回協定 Product Buy-Back Agreement
e. 政府間清算帳戶 Intergovernmental Cleaning Accounts
f. 抵銷交易 Offset Trade

在國際間的貿易型態中,存在5%~35%比重,並不低。但局限於部分國家,對多數國家來說陌生。In all of the trade types, counter trade share around 5~35%. It's actually not low but limited in partial countries, it's not familiar with most of other countries.

B. 整廠輸出貿易 Plant Export :包括構成整廠設備的機械、器具及材料的製作、買賣,與發揮整廠設備整體機能所需Know-how及技術人員勞務在內的一切有形或無形的事物、人員的輸出,以及在國外工程建設承攬業務。Including all the equipment, tools to contribute manufacturing plants. Material and deal making, and know-how of operate the whole factory. Any visible or invisible things, and employee like the mechanic, technician, sales representative.

特色: 交易金額大、交易期間長、契約內容複雜、交易風險大。
Character: Huge sum of deal, long deal term, complicated contract, high risk.

C. OEM 貿易:原廠委託代工製造(Original Equipment Manufacturing)之意,係指委託廠商將設計好的(或所確認的)圖樣、規格、零件、半成品或成品,委託另一廠商生產。然後將所生產的產品以委託廠商的品牌或商標,由委託廠商在市場上行銷,受託廠商僅負責生產賺取加工費的加工方式。The client entrust images, standards, semi-finished goods or finished goods to other factory to process. The finished goods be entrust to use the client's logo, and marketing by client. The trustee only responsible for producing to earn the fee of processing.

<實例 Actual Example>
國外知名廠商,委託加工廠製造生產,並由國外知名廠商進行行銷。 Famous brand from abroad entrust processing factory to manufacture products, and market by brand itself.

a. 委託廠商Client:
降低生產成本,提高競爭力。Reduce cost of manufacture. Improve competitiveness.
b. 受託廠商Trustee:
賺取加工費,學習生產技術,管理方法,提升製造能力。Earn the fee of processing. Learn the technique of manufacture, methods of management, improve ability of manufacture.

D. ODM原廠設計委託 Original Design Manufacturing:係指受託廠商自行設計、開發產品,然後將此產品掛上委託廠商的品牌出貨。Means the trustee designs, develops products by its own. And put logo from client on the product.

E. OBM自創品牌行銷 Own Brand Marketing: 由廠商自創商品品牌,建立國際行銷網路,直接掌握市場,而不再掛他人品牌銷售。 Create the brand of product by manufacturing itself, build the network of international market, control the market directly instead of putting on other brand's logo.

關鍵字 Key words 
1. 國際貿易實務 the practice of international trading
2. 直接貿易 Direct trade
3. 間接貿易 Indirect trade
4. 三角貿易 Triangular trade
5. 轉口貿易 Intermediary trade
6. 過境貿易 Transit trade
7. 委託加工貿易 Processing deal for export 
8. 相對貿易 Counter trade
9. 整廠輸出貿易 Plant Export 
10. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing)
11. ODM (Original Design Manufacturing)
12. OBM (Own Brand Marketing)